Business Summer School 2024
⋅August 22 – September 1⋅

How the Artificial Intelligence is shaping
the business environment

Satisfy your wanderlust and curiosity by applying now for our business summer school

Why join FABIZ

Business Summer School 2024?

  • Top lecturers, trainers and guest speakers
  • International experience
  • Access to employers
  • Workshops delivered by top companies
  • Cultural activities
  • Social Activities
All in one place!
Who can apply?

Bachelor Students

Who can apply?

Bachelor Students

Program fee
1500 lei

The package includes 10 nights at the hotel, 2 meals a day, double rooms, all classes and necessary materials, festive dinner etc.

Program fee
1500 lei

The package includes 10 nights at the hotel, 2 meals a day, double rooms, all classes and necessary materials, festive dinner etc.


Hotel Dacia Sud Mamaia


22 August

23 August

24 August

25 August

26 August

27 August

28 August

29 August

30 August

31 August

01 Sptember

Arrival of participants

Andrea Naghi

Alexandru Costin Baroiu

Free day

Iulian Șerban

Elias Hadzilias

Alexandru Mocanu & Ioana Negoescu

Matthias Fengler

Wolfgang K. Haerdle

Foreign Professor (tbc)

Departure of participants

Arrival of participants

Queen Mary University of London


Free day

Maspex Romania

IÉSEG School of Management

Procter & Gamble

University of St. Gallen

Humboldt University of Berlin

to be confirmed

Departure of participants

Master it

Lecturers from top universities around the world

Wolfgang Karl Härdle

  • Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Elias Hadzilias

Elias Hadzilias
  • IÉSEG School of Management

Matthias Fengler

  • University of St. Gallen

Andrea Naghi

  • Queen Mary University of London

Adriana Alexandru

  • ASE – Faculty of Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics

How to apply?

CV + Essay

Send your CV and essay at

Essay title

“How do you use AI in your personal and/or professional life?” (max 500 words)

frequently asked questions

Anyone from any Bachelor program from Bucharest University of Economics (ASE), University of Bucharest, Polytechnic University of Bucharest or Political Sciences (SNSPA).

Each day you will have lectures or workshops between 9.00 – 13.00 (4h per day). Each afternoon is free for cultural and beach activities !

An immersive experience on learning and practicing new business models. For all lectures you will need a laptop, so make sure you bring one.

An immersive experience on learning and practicing new business models. For all lectures you will need a laptop, so make sure you bring one.

Yes, certificates are awarded to those who participate to all classes!

The organizer is the Faculty of Business Administration (in foreign languages) – FABIZ.
More details about us: